A while back, I read a great book called “Think and Grow Rich” by Napolean Hill. This great book was written back in 1937, and it’s truths have inspired countless generations. It is a study of the great economic minds of his time, taken over 20 years.
One of the recommendations given in this book is to find proper mentors. Sometimes, this means finding these mentors by studying about them and their lives, if you don’t have the ability to have a one-on-one relationship with the would be mentors.
Through this recommendation, some time ago, I started following John Sonmez, creator of the Simple Programmer blog, and the Bulldog Mindset blog. He has been a great resource of information for developing myself, both as a software engineer, and as person.
One of his recommendations is create a blog to promote myself, which is the purpose of this website. In fact, he has a course specifically on doing this (and a few other courses geared towards software developers) which can be found here.
So, this blog will be about software development, as well as theme park technologies (another passion of mine), and occasionally some tidbits from my past life in the movie industry and live entertainment industry.